About Linda
For over two decades, Linda Provenza, founder and principal of Strategies for Change, has worked with leaders from organizations around the world to facilitate extensive transformations at the local, national, and international levels. Her clients include foundations, international labor organizations, universities, NGOs, healthcare systems, private sector companies, and government and community groups, Linda also served as National Director of Learning and Development for Quest Diagnostics, led diversity programs for companies and universities throughout the US, and designed innovative programs for those without homes in San Francisco, Seattle, and NYC.
Linda holds an MA in Sociology, studied and taught conflict resolution and peace education at Columbia University and serves on the boards of the Institute for International Connections, based in Denver, Colorado, and Seeds in the Middle, based in Brooklyn, New York.
Linda’s vision: Peter Senge says there is a creative tension between vision and reality. One can either shrink their vision to meet reality or boldly change current reality to meet their vision. Linda believes in the latter! She envisions a world where:
There are alternative and productive economic and energy systems that place people before profit, and the greatest value is placed on the welfare of all and care of our earth.
We dismantle institutionalized racism, classism, gender and sexual identity bias, and all other inequalities built in to our current system, practices, and thinking. We begin to heal the damage through deep dialogue, restitution, and the adoption of humane practices and interactions.
New de-centralized institutions and services are created that truly help those they serve; no one is denied housing, health care, mental health services, food, or water.
There are many co-living and co-working alternatives for people to join; there is no need to be isolated or alone. Peer self-help programs are easily accessable so that healing and learning can be shared.
Holistic community centers in every community provide a space for connecting, healing, learning, celebrating, and governing together. Community and entrepreneurial programs, comprehensive health services, and communal areas with cafes and performance areas allow the community to grow together.
There are peaceful means for conflicts large and small. Everyone is given the opportunity to learn and practice conflict resolution and transformation.
Creativity is honored and celebrated. It is not sidelined; it is an integral part of all.
There is a world council with representatives from all countries with the goals of creating a more just world, re-thinking boundaries, and beginning to balance and share resources. War ceases to exist.
A new paradigm is created. There is change from an individual to a more unity-based consciousness. Called by many “the great shift,” our vision is to help bring this new world in.